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Incredible Power of Staff Networks
I have just finished reading your book and I am so thankful you have written this. It is excellent - well done! It has given me the guidance and clarity that I need as the Chair of a new network.
(Network Chair, Housing Organisation)
Listen to the book review by Dr Jonathan Ashong-Lamptey on the Resource Groups Podcast
Your book is amazing! It has become my second bible in running our network. Thanks. We have a long way to go but the book is so helpful and a great guide!
(Tigist Teferi, Barts Health NHS Trust)
Your book has been a godsend - very helpful and a constant source of reference for me.
(Aneil Jhumat BSc MBA CPFA, Director of Risk Management & Internal Audit, National Institutions of the Church of England)
An excellent weekend read - help to recognise power in my own network and difference we can make. (Kelly Hodge, Learning and development lead at Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA))
Staff networks are one of the mechanisms for amplifying and channeling the contributions of diverse employee groups. Inko-Tariah provides a passionate and detailed guidance on managing such groups, based on her personal experience of chairing a number staff networks in the civil service. There is a wealth of information and resources on all of the aspects of setting up and running a staff network, including, for example, template emails and documents. Leaders will find it particularly relevant, as the book goes into significant depth on the aspects of effective teamworking in the group, and making the most of it through delegation, motivation, and managing internal conflict...
...Helpfully, the book outlines the networks’ most common ‘maladies’, including 'event-itis' and the ‘talk talk’ syndrome (promising without delivering), offering advice for anticipating and overcoming these issues. Such practical tips will make this book a valuable one-stop resource for anyone running a staff network.
(Ksenia Zheltoukhova of the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development)
Many organisations are struggling either to set up staff networks, or know what to do with them when they have. This book is an excellent piece of work, based on experiences that I recognise and heartily endorse. For those considering a role in a network, or providing support as a champion, this guide will prove invaluable. Others, like myself, who work to encourage greater participation in networks, and develop engagement by senior leaders, may find this to be a valuable marketing tool to really sell the benefits of diversity within our organisations. Clear, concise, easy to read, excellent advice to anyone who is (or may become) involved with diversity and inclusion at any level. I definitely recommend it. (Peter Stradins)
You cannot replicate Cherron but the power of staff networks can be replicated...I saw the practice of this book in action. I saw the effect and power that a staff network can have. (Lord Bob Kerslake, former Permanent Secretary, Department for Communities and Local Government, and Head of the Civil Service)
I was the chair of Transport for London Black Asian Minority Ethnic (TfL BAME) staff network group back in 2012. During my time as chair, I had encountered and inherited several issues from my employer, the previous chair, committee members and other members. This made it difficult to lead the group in the right direction, which I couldn't understand at the time. However, after reading the Incredible Power of Staff Networks book, I can now digest the severity of the issues that were raised at the time. The book is a perfect tool or user guide for both employers and staff network Chairs, as explained in the book “the Incredible Power of Staff Networks – chapter 10; Dear Chair”, a good Chair needs to have I.C.E. Yes I.C.E. which stands for Integrity, Character and Excellence. All of which is just a start for the making of a good Chair. There are several other useful tools and tips in the book, which I wish I had known about during my time as a chair, lol, the beauty of hindsight. I wish the Incredible Power of Staff Networks book was published during my time as chair - it's an incredible book. (Dwayne Smith, Transport for London)
Insightful, informative AND engaging. This book is a MUST for anyone working in an organisation (Private, Public or Voluntary Sector) who wants to know how they can help build and sustain an effective network. Packed with practicable tips and tested models, the author has managed to capture the real power of networking by sharing a range of invaluable and enriching experience e.g. the "Dear Chair" chapter is inspired. If you really want your organisation to improve, buy this book, apply the lessons offered and be a part of that incredible transformation!!! (Amazon Review)
I've no doubt this book will help many new and existing staff networks – and their members to flourish. (Rasheed Ogunlaru, Coach - Speaker - Author)
This book is, quite simply, a MUST read for all those already in, thinking of or connected to Staff Networks. (Rob Neil, Diversity Consultant and Facilitator)
This book is very well written and I find it a really helpful resource. (Evonne Hopwood - former Vice-Chair of a staff network in the Civil Service)
I am a great fan and supporter of our staff networks and it was good to see that Cherron Inko-Tariah MBE (formerly a civil servant at DCLG) launched her book, The Incredible Power of Staff Networks, on this very subject in Richmond House recently. Cherron’s book shows that staff networks can serve a number of purposes, providing a supportive environment for staff from minority or specific interest groups to come together to discuss issues of common interest; offering positive role models, mentoring and career development; playing a crucial role in helping organisations improve their diversity and inclusivity strategies and helping to ensure voices from different parts of the workforce are represented. (Una O'Brien CB, former Permanent Secretary, Department of Health)